It seems the more progress we are making, the fewer entries I make here. Most days I'm so ready for bed after daily to-do lists that never seem to end and I keep forgetting to write down all the wonderful things that are happening here in the mountains.
We just hosted two amazing guys from England, Will & Matt, who are seeing the US this summer while helping people along the way. They are both fine furniture and cabinet makers by trade and have really done some lovely things while staying with us for three weeks.
Morton has lovely shelves made from reclaimed wood from the inner workings that didn't work anymore from the pipe organ, with his tools the most organized they've ever been. The keyboard case from the old organ has been turned into a drinks cabinet that is also holding lots of my glassware, including five punch bowls and all their little cups. I really love how it turned out. The roll top part of it was turned into a really neat shelf, there is a wine rack and hanging storage for our glasses with stems.
My favorite project Matt & Will did was building a HUGE bookcase that has so much storage space, I need to actually buy more books! It came out just lovely and they did some unique things likes make the odd shaped wall work by adding a curve to the shelves that mimic the curve of the balcony above. It's really beautiful and you'll see lots of pictures of in on our Facebook page.
A project that is finally getting done after being in here two winters with no heat, is the closed radiator system is finally free from leaks! Thanks to a wonderful local plumber named Jack, who has taken every broken pipe he's discovered in stride, we are going to have proper heat for the upcoming winter, which seems a thousand seasons away on this sunny spring day.
Our lovely building that has heard so many prayers, seen such joy and sorrow in the last 150 years, is feeling more like a home with every little project we complete. On the days that feel like everything is going wrong, I remember that moment I first saw this place and how it really just felt like I'd came home. The building needed saving. It's not an easy job. It's not a fast job. We are no where near being finished and I doubt we will ever really feel like it's done, but I do know that with every little moment we spend working here, we move closer to seeing the wonderful building as a home.
Thanks so much for everyone who is following our journey, sending us messages of kind words on Facebook and even offering to lend a hand to see the project through. It's appreciated more than I could ever tell you.
Have a wonderful day, follow your dreams and I'm off to do some cleaning.